
Squarespace Help

You need a quick fix? Or you just want to chat about websites (or fantasy football)? You need some custom coding or you just want your site to look normal again? I’m here for you!

$60 an hour


You need some photos to make your site pop? Or how about a cool gif of someone eating a shrimp cocktail? I can help with that too!

$60 an hour

Monthly Maintenance

You need someone to maintain your site and make sure it’s functioning? You need me to keep your calendar up to date?

$60 an hour

$180 a month/$1800 a year


Each entrée includes scrolling homepage, up to 3 additional pages and 2 sets of revisions.

fish gif.gif

Full Website

The whole shebang! We start from Square one and I design your dream website while maintaining your vision. Includes: scrolling homepage, 3 additional pages and 2 sets of revisions.


Add-ons: Additional pages - $250

E-commerce store - $600

Website Package: Includes full website plus monthly maintenance for 1 year - $2800


Social Media Managing

You need to build a better online presence? You hate dealing with Facebook and Instagram? Let me do all the work posting and use my knowledge and wizardry to reach new clients!

$600 a month

Website Revamp

You have a functioning website right now, but it’s in need of a complete make-over? You need some fresh ideas to make it stand out and attract customers? Let’s talk!


Pricing does not include domain and hosting fees