Our Story

Hi, I’m Jeff Daumen

Website Designer Extraordinaire! I live in the Pacific Northwest in Portland, Oregon with my beautiful wife and two darling children. When I’m not hangin’ with the fam, shredding the piano or draining 3’s in my driveway/basketball court, I make stunning websites for business owners and entrepreneurs! I like to have fun when I make my sites and I put my heart into every design!

The Girls!

These two keep me pretty busy. They also cost a lot of money. By having me design your website, your helping contribute food, shelter and clothing to these beautiful children. And barbies. Lots and lots of barbies. They’re very expensive.

The word Daumen means “thumb”. That’s why I have a giant thumbs up for my logo, and if you go with me you’re gonna get two big ones! (I know, I know. It’s okay, I’m a Dad.) I also designed my website with a restaurant theme, because I spent many years of my young professional life working in restaurants. And I just love food. So try not to get to hungry as you browse the menu, and hopefully we will talk soon! After lunch of course.

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

— Ferris Bueller